Your spirit team is dying to connect with you. (Okay, well, not *literally* dying, but…)
A while back, I was on a date with a man who thought the idea that we can speak with energies in the other realms to be completely ridiculous.
(In case you’re wondering, the rest of the date went as expected, and he got his ass blocked, but that’s not the point of this story.)
I confess, if I’ve ever thought it was ridiculous, it was only a momentary flutter of doubt. And I’ve had my share — of doubt, that is. I mean, from what I have learned, that’s kind of the point of incarnation: we forget who we are and why we’re here, which seems like a horrible and annoying system if you ask me, but I’m incarnated just like you and also I’m not in charge.
But from my own personal experiences connecting with these other realms, and in my work with clients, I am 100% sure 90% of the time that your Spirit Guides are really excited to talk to you and to give you messages of guidance, wisdom, and comfort.
(Side note: there ARE times when they go silent. Also a very annoying part of the whole process of awakening and this system of incarnation, but an important part designed to help us connect with our own powerful higher Self. But that’s probably a whole other blog post.)
I have been told by a lot of people…
…interestingly, most all of them have been men who were somewhat deeply entrenched in toxic patriarchy…
(and before you get your tighty-whities all bunched up, I know there are lots of good guys out there, so go talk to your bro-dudes, okay?)
…which aligns with the systems of dominance that hope to keep the Feminine Divine controlled and in check…
Did you catch it? Kerry was interviewed by Mystic Mag — click the image to read the article!
…that the work I do is consummate huckstership.
This makes me sad for them and it also pokes at my own imposter syndrome wound, which is a key aspect of the wounded feminine.
After all, we’ve been told over and over again in myriad ways that we don’t measure up, and we’re so busy trying to conform to the societal norms that have been shoved down our throats that we literally forget our wildish divine natures — that we ARE in fact, naturally divine.
Especially when it comes to self agency in relationship to God, women have been told over and over again that we don’t get to do that.
That we need a (male) mediator to tell us what God actually wants.
Here’s a shocker: usually what THAT God wants is women staying silent. It kind of makes you wonder what they’re so afraid of, ammiright?
I mean, women’s bodies (and some non-binary and trans folks, who embody a very beautiful aspect of the Divine) are literally portals for every soul that has ever incarnated on this earth.
Talk about power.
Being naturally divine — as in, divine by nature — means that we have access to all that the Divine is and contains. All of us do — not just women — but I believe that it’s women who are going to usher in the new age and teach all how to be better humans because of the guidance we are open to — but in order to do that, we need to step into our power.
That’s a little mind blowing — to step into the fullness of who we actually are. Our souls understand it far better than our minds can.
In fact, one of the more frustrating aspects of the work that I do (and one that is also incredibly beautiful at the same time) is that much of my understanding and knowing is beyond the confines of language. If there is any huckstership involved it is in my incapacity to accurately portray the messages I receive in words that make sense, because I am attempting to explain that which is both not knowable (while we are incarnated) and yet also fully known — because we each exist within it and are of it.
This is all complicated and hard to explain, but I know these other realms exist because I have seen them. I know we can connect with them because they have reached out to connect with me. And here is the simplest thing I can tell you today - your Spirit Team is dying to talk to you.
Okay, they’re not literally dying, because, well, you know…
…but they are really so excited to connect with you. So go — meditate. Ask for their help. Pray. Be open. Ask for their names. Connect with nature. Move your body. All of these things can help you make contact.
Ready to go deeper? Perhaps consider booking a call with me to find out if spiritual mentoring is right for you. Spiritual mentoring is a specific type of coaching in which you’ll learn how to connect more deeply to your Spirit Team and higher guidance. If you’re ready to go deeper — book your call today.