Deconstructing Whiteness

A self-paced, online curriculum for organizations and individuals designed to help White people understand their identity, dismantle unjust systems of power, and become better allies.

A class about Whiteness for White-bodied folx.

Whiteness is designed to be invisible to the very people who embody it. That means that really good people — people who actually care about not being racist — still participate in and benefit from racist systems (as well as other systems of dominance). In your organization, your DEI efforts will only go so far unless you root out the origin story of dominance and imbalanced systems of power. And in order to do that, you must offer a path toward healing for those who embody White identity — so we can all begin to imagine something new.

  • Self-Paced

    Learners can move through the curriculum at their own pace — the content will always be available to them.

  • Cohort Based

    Learners can participate in organizational cohorts for even more in-depth learning.

  • Live Office Hours

    Learners have the option to participate in live office hours with Kerry to ask questions + process their learning.

At a Glance:

The Deconstructing Whiteness curriculum has over 10 hours of vibrant video content, downloadable resource + definition lists, plus worksheets with journal prompts for deeper exploration.

Your organization can work in cohort-based learning, and can participate in six (6) live office hour sessions with Kerry via Zoom in which learners can ask questions and process what they’ve learned.

Want to download a description of the curriculum in PDF form? Just click here!

  • Module 0 is a basic intro to the course and includes general housekeeping info as well as a 30-minute video on the basics of Whiteness, why understanding it matters, and how we’ll move forward in the course.

  • The meatiest of the modules, this section of the course does a deep dive into the social construct of White identity. We cover core values of Whiteness; the fluidity of Whiteness in hierarchy + context; identity markers + the fluidity of identity; colorism; Whiteness in the global context; theologies + moralities of Whiteness; + intersectionality.

  • This module explores the ways in which White-bodied people have been impacted by their socialization into Whiteness. We cover learner’s own story of Whiteness, intersectionality and embodiment; learn about White generational trauma + its impacts; and reclaiming self-love apart from Whiteness.

  • Module 3 takes a look at the ways in which our Whiteness shows up in relationship with other people. We look at intention vs impact; embodied power dynamics; White relational entitlement + the ownership paradigm; + racialized narratives + microaggressions.

  • This module examines basic stats from a variety of different social channels to provide a deeper understanding of the far-reaching impacts of systemic racism. It also looks at social narratives that directly impact Black + Brown bodies; the White ownership of public space; historical and current representations in media; + police brutality as a systemic racist issue.

  • Finally, in this module we begin to imagine together a new way to be White-bodied in the world. Learners will understand how to better engage in racialized conversations; practicing embodied self-love; and how to lead in White spaces.

The Curriculum:



Have a question but not quite ready for a call? No problem! Drop Kerry an email here, and she’ll respond ASAP (usually within 24 business hours).